Minsk engineer gets three 15-day jail terms in row for ‘disobedience to police’

44-year-old development engineer Dzyanis Haraymovich has been sentenced to 15 days in jail for the third time in a row for ‘disobedience to a representative of the authority’ (Article 24.3 of the Code of Administrative Offences), human rights activists report.

Judge Viktoryia Shabunya. Photo: naviny.by

He was detained on September 23 on the premise of the Atlant plant where he worked. On the same day Haraymovich was fired, and his home was searched.

Judge Dzmitry Karsyuk twice arrested the man for ‘disobedience’. According to the prosecution, the defendant ‘refused to get out of the car, resisted, clung to [policemen’s] clothes’ on the territory of Tsentralny district police department, where he was taken ‘on suspicion of participating in mass events”. The judge refused to summon witnesses and watch CCTV footage. When Haraymovich served his first 15-day term, he was not released; he was again charged and tried for ‘disobedience’, but the court failed to provide any details of the hearing.

The third term under the same article was imposed on haraymovich by the notorious Minsk judge Viktoryia Shabunya on October 25. According to the policeman who witnessed in court, as Haraimovich was ‘suspected of storing extremist materials’, he was again taken to the police department from the pre-trial detention centre on Akrestsin Street, where the detainee disobeyed the police for the third time, refusing to enter the building.

Dzyanis Haraymovich pleaded not guilty.

Better than under Rákosi, worse than under Jaruzelski: What can repressions in Belarus be compared to?

