Lithuanian Railways rejects applications of Belarusian companies for transportation of Belaruskali fertilizers

Lithuanian Railways has rejected the applications of three Belarusian companies to transport Belaruskali fertilizers, the official website of the Latvian Railways reports (LTG).

On January 22, it emerged that Lithuanian Railways had received requests from three Belarusian companies for transportation of Belaruskali fertilizers. The applications were sent by Belintertrans, Belkali MIGAO, as well as the Belarusian Potash Company (BPC), a subsidiary of Belaruskali.

After these appeals, Lithuanian Railways’ representatives applied to the government commission for checking deals of strategic enterprises in order to have a reason to reject the requests of the companies and thus avoid the risk of a subpoena to both the railroads and the state. The commission was supposed to decide whether contracts with these Belarusian companies threatened national interests. The issue is reportedly already under consideration, but no decision has been made yet.

“Until the commission makes a decision, Lithuanian Railways will not take any action on BPC’s requests for fertilizer transportation contracts. Requests from the other two companies are rejected because they have applied for transportation under contracts that are no longer in effect or they do not have such contracts with LZD,” Lithuanian Railways said in a press release.

On December 8, 2021, U.S. sanctions against Belaruskali came into force, but fertilizers are still transported through Lithuania. On April 1, the U.S. sanctions, imposed last year in early December, will also enter into force against the Belarusian Potash Company.
