Polish border guards report shots fired from Belarusian side

Polish Border Guard service has reported that on the night of January 26, the Belarusian border guards made several shots using long guns. They did it after seeing Polish border guards.

On January 24, the State Border Committee of Belarus Anatol Lapo chairman said that “every border conflict starts with little things.”

“The security of our borders will be preserved by any means. We have the power and means to do so,” said Anatoli Lapo.

According to Polish Border Guards, 12 people — citizens of Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria — had tried to cross the Polish-Belarusian border illegally in the last 24 hours.

In mid-January, the official Belarusian TV reported about 500 migrants who remained at the transport and logistics center in Bruzgi on the Belarusian-Polish border. In November 2020, Belarusian authorities said there were 7 thousand people in Belarus (of whom 2 thousand were in Bruzgi). The Polish side said there were about 13-14 thousand people, and Ukrainians mentioned the figure of 16 thousand people. Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia have not received many migrants since then, but some border violators have been detained.

Since then, about 4 thousand migrants have left Belarus by air.

