The Russian editorial office of Belsat – Vot Tak – recognized as a “foreign agent” in Russia

The Russian Ministry of Justice has updated the catalog of foreign agents, adding the Vot Tak portal, the Russian-language editorial office of Belsat Television.

– The Vot Tak project disseminated false information about the decisions and policies of the Russian Federation’s state authorities and participated in creating and distributing news and materials of foreign agents to an unlimited number of people. Vot Tak portal, in its opinion, was against the special military operation in Ukraine. The project’s founder is a foreign media corporation, the Russian Ministry of Justice said in a statement.

In addition, journalist Maxim Trudolyubov and businessman Dmitry Potapenko were added to the foreign agents list. Both were charged with similar charges: “disinformation about the decisions of the state authorities of the Russian Federation,” “speaking against a special military operation” and “disseminating materials of foreign agents.”

Many independent media outlets have been considered foreign agents in Russia: Voice of America, Radio Svoboda, Meduza, Dozhd, etc. Now, Vot Tak has joined this honorable group.

Vot Tak is a project by Belsat initiated and carried out by journalists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and other countries in the region. They aim to create high-quality media that informs readers and explains complex processes in simple language. Over a million people have already watched the Vot Tak channel on YouTube.

– We want the Russians, the Belarusians, the Ukrainians, and our other Russian-speaking readers to receive the most reliable and objective information about what is happening in their country, their neighbors, and worldwide – say the project’s authors.

The decision made by the Russian Ministry will not affect the continuation of the work of the Vot Tak portal journalists.

lp/ according to

Translated by PEV
