Belsat journalist Mazheika and artist Pushkin criminally prosecuted

Pavel Mazheika, head of the ‘Center for Urban Life’ and a Belsat journalist. Photo: Radio Racyja

On March 26, Hrodna prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case against the head of a private institution ‘Center for Urban Life’ and Belsat journalist Pavel Mazheika and artist Ales Pushkin, as well as other persons for committing deliberate acts aimed at the rehabilitation and justification of Nazism under Part 3 Article 130, reports the General Prosecutor’s Office.

Pavel Mazheika, 42, is a journalist with an international reputation, a laureate of national and international awards. In 2002-2004, he was sentenced to chemistry for “slandering” Alyaksandr Lukashenka in an article about the disappearance of Zakharanka, Hanchar and other opponents of the Belarusian leader. In 2005-2007, he was the spokesman for the only presidential candidate from the United Democratic Forces, Alyaksandr Milinkevich. He hosted programs on Belsat and was the executive director of the channel, but did not stay in Poland and returned to his native Hrodna, where he created the ‘Center for Urban Life’, Nasha Niva writes.

On the morning of March 26, Mazheika was summoned for questioning to the Hrodna prosecutor’s office, from which he did not return home because he had been arrested, the newspaper Glos znad Niemna reports.

On March 19, the exhibition of paintings showed a portrait of Yauhen Zhykhar with an automatic gun on his shoulder, painted by Pushkin.

According to the case materials, during the German occupation in summer 1944 Zhykhar was trained in a special unit of the Abwehr and in December that year he was sent by the Nazis to the Polatsk region.

In 1946 he headed a detachment of former Nazi collaborators and other traitors who for 9 years have been killing policemen, party and state officials, setting fire to administrative buildings and organizing diversions on the railroad in the Pastavy district.
