Kalesnikava ‘treats criminal case with irony’ her lawyer says

The lawyer has learned from Telegram channels that Maryia Kalesnikava’s criminal case was transferred to the Supreme Court.

Maryia Kalesnikava. Photo: Iryna Arakhouskaya/ Belsat.eu

Supporters of political prisoner Viktar Babaryka have spoken with Uladzimir Pylchanka, lawyer of Maryia Kalesnikava, imprisoned coordinator of Babaryka’s headquarters. Pylchenka said he does not know whether Kalesnikava heard that the case against her and lawyer Maksim Znak had been transferred to the Supreme Court, as he learned about it from Telegram channels after the recent meeting with Maryia.

Pylchanka said that the transfer of the case to the court means that the prosecutor has agreed with the accusation. At the same time, Kalesnikava does not agree with the charges; she filed motions to terminate criminal proceedings, which both she nor her defenders see as groundless.

The lawyer believes that the case will be heard publicly but does not know when the hearing will be scheduled. Kalesnikava and Znak face up to 12 years in prison for “conspiracy to seize power,” which is how the authorities view the activities of the Coordinating Council.

“Maryia is fine; she reads a lot and does sports,” said Pylchanka. “I never once saw her angry or in a bad mood. She is constantly smiling and laughing. Despite the temporary inconveniences, Maryia does not regret anything and feels like a free person.”

As to how she feels about the criminal case, perhaps the word ironic would suit best. Maryia is aware of what is going on; she constantly takes an interest in the proceedings against Viktar Babaryka and the other defendants. I am sure that everything will be fine, and soon everyone will see their families and friends. She sends her greetings to all Belarusians.”


