Opposition leader Latushka: Lukashenka poised to ignite conflict on EU borders

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has appetite for a conflict on the borders of EU; taking into account the latest news, one can conclude that a serious provocation is in the making at the Belarus-EU border, emigre politician Pavel Latushka warns.

In a video message, Latushka, Head of the People’s Anti-Crisis Administration (PACA) and a former Belarusian diplomat, quoted Belarus’ Security Council Secretary Alyaksandr Valfovich who said that ‘Poles and Lithuanians had tried to push more than 8,500 migrants back to Belarus as well as Deputy Interior Minister Mikalai Karpyankou who claims that under the guise of diverting migrants Europe is inserting ’terrorists, extremists, ISIS militants’ into Belarus. Latushka also recalls that last week Anatol Lapo, the chairman of the Belarusian State Border Committee, had to fly to Russia’s Sochi on the heels of Lukashenka.

“All these things may indicate that the illegitimate authorities of Belarus are going to stage a provocation at the border. In the near future, one might expect a breakthrough of thousands of migrants from the territory of Belarus; it might go along with using small arms and provoking a military conflict,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Telegram channel run by Lukashenka’s press service announced the politician‘s meeting with top Belarusian siloviki. The photo shows, among others, the chairman of the State Security Committee and the Minister of Internal Affairs. According to the channel, ‘it will be interesting’ and ‘details coming soon’.

Migrants on borders of EU: How Lukashenka taking revenge for Western sanctions


