If NATO fails to hear Russia, ‘military and technical’ response may vary, says Putin

Russia is waiting for a response from the U.S. to the proposals of guarantees on NATO non-extension and in case it is “not heard,” it promises a response that military experts will advise. This was stated in the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” on the TV channel “Russia 1,” writes Reform.by.

In the program, Pavel Zarubin asked Putin:

“If they don’t hear us this time too, you’ve made it clear that there will be a military and technical response. What could it be?”

“It could be very different,” Vladimir Putin replied. “It depends on the suggestions that our military experts will make to me. But I hope that still… it’s not for the sake of swamping something and stopping something, that we have proposed in terms of this diplomatic process. But for the sake of achieving a diplomatic negotiating result that is fixed, as I said, legally within the framework of the documents that we have proposed. This is exactly what we will strive for.”

Russia has published draft agreements with NATO and the United States where it proposes that NATO countries withdraw their troops from countries of the former Soviet Union and the Warsaw Treaty Organization which were not members of the alliance before 1997. In addition, Moscow demands guarantees that Ukraine will not join NATO.

According to Putin’s press secretary, Dmitriy Peskov, the Kremlin expects to receive a response from the United States on guarantees of non-expansion of NATO in January.

