Woman sentenced for calling policeman sleazy

On February 26, Byaroza district court heard the criminal case against local resident Valyantsina Myadzvedz. This is reported by the human rights center “Viasna”.

Valyantsina Myadzvedz. Photo: spring96.org.

A 45-year-old resident of Byareza was accused of insulting a police officer on duty under Article 369 of the Criminal Code. According to the charges, on the night of November 17, 2020, the woman posted a message in the Telegram channel “Byaroza-97” about the head of the Juvenile Inspection Dzmitry Lishko. She wrote that “Lishko is really a rotten and sleazy man…”, compared him to a Nazi collaborator and added some more insulting words.

On December 7th, a linguistic expert found the material to be an explicit form of expression, which is intended to insult the police officer and is a public humiliation of a representative of the law in the performance of his official duties.

During her interrogation in court Valyantsina Myadzvedz explained that in August Mr Lishko warned her “against illegal actions”. On 7 September she had a police report filed on her for participation in an unsanctioned mass event, although the woman said she was in the store at the time and showed the receipt to the court, asked to see a video to make sure that she hadn’t participated in the mass event. She was then fined.

Dzmitry Lishko. Photo: spring96.org

At the trial prosecutor Yafimau requested two years of restriction of freedom for Valyantsina Myadzvedz without bsending her to an open institution and asked the court to satisfy the material damage claims of the victim of 2,000 Belarusian rubles.

As a result, Judge Alena Nyamkova sentenced the single woman, who has a minor child, to two years of restricted freedom without referral to an open-type institution. She must also pay the victim 1,500 rubles for “moral suffering”.

