CEC: Belarusians voted for new Constitution

The Central Election Commission announced preliminary results of the so-called referendum. According to the CEC, 78.63% of voters participated in the voting, and the majority voted for the new Constitution.

According to the CEC calculations, 65.16% of the voters, or 4,440,813 citizens of Belarus, came to the polling stations to vote for the new Constitution. As many as 10.07% or 686,165 voters voted “against.”

Turnout at the referendum was 78.63%. As many as 535,9471 citizens of our country came to the polling stations, as the CEC reports.

The new version of the Constitution will come into force ten days after its official publication.

During the elections, Belarusians came out to protest against the war. According to human rights activists, law enforcement officers arrested over 800 people in Belarus.

