Sputnik Lite vaccine to reach Belarus in July

Another type of Russian vaccine against coronavirus is expected to arrive in Belarus next month, Belarus Health Minister Dzmitry Pinevich has said.

Sputnik Light vaccine. Photo: vesti.ru.

It is planned to vaccinate students with the new vaccine.

“By the beginning of the school year, we would like to cover our students with this vaccine, in order to gradually vaccinate the category of the population that easily endures [the virus], but can be a source of infection for others,” Pinevich said.

In Russia, the Sputnik Lite vaccine enters civil circulation on June 25.

The difference from the Sputnik V vaccine is that this version of the drug is administered once, and its efficacy is lower at 79.4%. Russian authorities view it as a suitable drug for the revaccination of citizens, and the Moscow government plans to vaccinate migrant workers with it.

Currently, two vaccines are available in Belarus: the Russian “Sputnik V” and the Chinese vaccine from Sinopharm.

