Ales Byalyatski’s wife receives first letter from husband

The wife of the imprisoned human rights defender, Natallia Pinchuk, has received the first personal letter of response from Ales Byalyatski since his detention.

Natallia Pinchuk, the wife of human rights defender Ales Byalyatski, in front of the International Federation for Human Rights’ headquarters in Paris, 9 February 2012. Photo: RFI / Gorbanevsky

This is the only letter in two months that says he received a letter from her.

“So this is the only letter from me that he received,” points out the wife of human rights activist Natallia Pinchuk.

According to Natallia, Ales does not upset her with negative information, he “writes that everything is fine” and sends his regards to everyone. He shares that he is currently reading a book by Haruki Murakami.

On September 25, Ales Byalyatski celebrated his birthday behind bars. He turned 59 years old.

Ales Byalyatski, the founder and head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” was detained on July 14th, as part of a large-scale attack of the intelligence services on the human rights community in Belarus. He was charged under Article 342 (“Organization and preparation of actions grossly violating public order or active participation in them”) and Article 243 (“Tax evasion”) of the Criminal Code. He is now kept in detention center #1 in Minsk. Ales Byalyatski is recognized as a political prisoner.

You can support the detained “Viasna” human rights defenders at the addresses:

SIZO 1, 220030, Minsk, 2 Valadarski St. (Ales Byalyatski, Valyantsin Stefanovich, Uladzimir Labkovich, Marfa Rabkova, Andrei Chapyuk);

SIZO 3, 246003, Homiel, 1a Knizhnaya Street (Leanid Sudalenka, Tatsiana Lasitsa).
