Regional journalist Syarhei Hardziyevich escorted to colony

Syarhei Hardziyevich, a correspondent of Brest regional web portal “First Region” from Drahichyn, was sentenced to a year and a half of imprisonment. He has been escorted to the colony in Shklou, reports “Belarusian Association of Journalists.

Syarhei Hardziyevich. Photo: Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Before his transfer, the journalist was in custody in Baranavichy.

On August 2nd, Syarhei Hardziyevich was sentenced by the court of the Brest region to one and a half years in prison under three articles of the Criminal Code (188, 368, and 369) – for insulting Alyaksandr Lukashenka, for insulting a police officer, and for slandering a police officer. All the “crimes” were allegedly committed in social feeds.

The journalist pleaded not guilty in court.

On September 28th, the Brest Regional Court considered the appeal of the journalist. Hardziyevich was not brought to the hearing. The regional court rejected the complaint, and the sentence finally came into force.

Human rights organizations recognized Syarhei Syarhei Hardziyevich as a political prisoner.

