Draft amendments to Constitution of Belarus published

The authorities have published the draft amendments to the Constitution of Belarus. It is now available for everyone.

A referendum on the amendments to the Constitution is scheduled for the second half of February 2022.

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. Photo: Euroradio

Last week, December 23, Alyaksandr Lukashenka held a meeting with members of the Constitutional Commission and the working group working on finalizing the draft constitution. Five days later, the draft of the Basic Law was put up for public discussion.

Also at the meeting, Lukashenka said that the working group would meet again after a general discussion of the draft constitution. Then there will be another meeting with the Constitutional Commission, already with the finished draft. After the Constitutional Commission considers the results of the work of the working group and approves them, the draft Constitution will be put to a referendum.

What new is planned for the Constitution?

▫️Acquisition and termination of citizenship is done in accordance with the law

▫️ Forced labor is prohibited, except for work or service on the basis of a court order;

▫️ Manifestation of patriotism, preservation of historical memory of the heroic past of the Belarusian people are a duty;

▫️ Marriage is a union of woman and man;

▫️ Imprisoned citizens do not have the right to elect and be elected as deputies;

▫️ Funding of the preparation and conduct of elections by foreign states, organizations and citizens is prohibited;

▫️A citizen of Belarus by birth, not less than 40 years of age, who has the right to vote, has been residing in Belarus for at least 20 years immediately before the election, does not have and never had citizenship of another state or residence permit or other foreign document that entitles to benefits and other perks may be elected President of Belarus ;

▫️ The same person can be president for no more than two terms;

▫️ Belarus will not launch military aggression from its territory against other states;

▫️ The President may be removed from office by the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly in case of systematic or gross violation of the Constitution or treason or other serious crime;

▫️ A President who no longer performs their duties may not be held liable for actions performed in connection with the exercise of his presidential powers;

▫️ The All-Belarusian People’s Assembly is the highest representative body of people’s rule in Belarus.

