Police arrive at meeting of Polish teachers in Hrodna

The Union of Poles in Belarus has reported an unexpected visit of the police to the office of the organization during the teachers’ meeting on the eve of the school year.

Students of a Polish school in Hrodna at classes held on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day. 21.02.2021. Exemplary photo.

In the morning, law enforcers came to the meeting of the Polish language teachers, which work under the Belarusian Union of Poles. The Union activist Danuta Karpowicz wrote on Facebook that the police explained that they came because they received an anonymous message that an “illegal meeting” was taking place in the office of the Union of Poles.

The Znadniemna.pl portal writes that the law enforcers collected the personal data of the teachers present in the office and left. If the meeting of the Pedagogical Council is recognized as illegal, then we can expect that the teachers will be summoned to the police station and then tried.

The Union of Poles in Belarus is a large non-governmental organization with branches in dozens of Belarusian towns and villages. It operates without official registration.

After the presidential election of 2020, the Union supported Belarusian civil society, which sought a democratic change of power. For that, the Union fell under the radar of the Lukashenka regime; four members of the Union were detained and accused of organizing events in memory of the Armia Krajowa about ethnic hatred propaganda.

After the intervention of the Polish authorities, Maryia Tsishkouskaya and Irena Bernatskaya were released from the detention center and taken from Belarus to Poland. The Hrodna journalist Andrei Poczobut and head of the Union of Poles Anzelika Boris are still behind bars. According to unofficial information, they were offered release if they wrote a clemency petition to Lukashenka.

