Political prisoner Tsikhan Vosipau in punishment cell after transfer

The political prisoner Ihar Vosipau, convicted of running over the military, was placed in the penal cell after his transfer. The wife of the political prisoner wrote on Instagram that in this way, Tsikhan was deprived of one of the three parcels allowed each year.

Tsikhan Vosipau, a 25-year-old engineer at BNTU, is in the courtroom. He is accused under three articles of the Criminal Code at once. According to the prosecution, on the night of August 10-11, 2020, the man participated in protest action, run five military men with his BMW, and then sank his car in a pond and reported it to be stolen. Minsk, Belarus. April 27, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat

Volha Vosipava, the wife of political prisoner Tsikhan Vosipau, reports that her husband was punished for violating the internal regulations and placed in a punishment cell. The punishment was that Tsikhan allegedly refused to “stand up and introduce himself” to the administration. Volha writes that she does not particularly believe this version.

On August 15, Tsikhan Vosipau was transferred to colony #15.

On May 19th, Minsk City Court sentenced the 25-year-old engineer to 11 years in the reinforced regime colony. Prosecutor Anton Tsyumentsau had previously asked for the punishment of 12 years in prison.

Vosipau was found guilty under three articles of the Criminal Code at once: attempted murder of a military man (Part 1 Article 14 and 362), participation in mass riots (Part 2 Article 293), and false report (Part 1 Article 400).

