Referendum on new constitution to be held no later than February 2022

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has unveiled the possible date of the referendum on the new Constitution of Belarus. He spoke about it at the enlarged session of the Constitutional Commission.

Constitution of Belarus. Photo: Belsat

Alyaksandr Lukashenka stated that the draft of the new Constitution is ready. However, there are “disputable points”:

“I haven’t found any transitional provisions that answer the questions of how the authorities will act after the adoption of the Constitution, how the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly will be formed, how the Commissioner for Human Rights will work. The draft does not provide for decrees. In that case, what will happen to the already issued ones? There is no answer, what will be the mechanism of elections on a single day after the early dissolution of the parliamentary chambers,” he said.

Lukashenka also pointed out that the new version of the Constitution should take into account, among other things, the lessons of last year when, as he said, “the opponents tried to destroy the country.”

Last November, Lukashenka said that he was not making a new constitution “for himself” and that “he will not work as president after its adoption.” “So calm down, take it easy,” Lukashenka said then.
