US to impose new sanctions on June 3

The White House. Photo: page of the U.S. Embassy in Belarus in “Facebook

According to a statement from the White House, the sanctions will affect nine Belarusian companies.

“On June 3, 2021, the United States will re-impose blocking sanctions on nine Belarusian state-owned enterprises that previously received benefits under a series of Treasury Department general licenses. As a result of this measure, U.S. persons will be prohibited from engaging in transactions with these entities, their property or interests in their property,” the statement said.

However, the restrictions will not only affect the entity. The statement mentions personal sanctions:

“The United States, in coordination with the EU and other partners and allies, is developing a list of targeted sanctions against key members of the Lukashenka regime related to persistent human rights abuses and corruption, election fraud in 2020, and the events of May 23.”

In addition, the United States is suspending its air service agreement with Belarus and advising its citizens to refrain from visiting our country.
