Drahichyn policeman set to punish 97 persons who left negative comments about him on social media

Tatsyana Dzyamidchyk and Yury Charnyshkou in court. Photo: Viasna

On June 29, Byaroza district court heard a criminal case against Tatsyana Dzyamidchyk, who was charged under Art. 369 of the Criminal Code (‘insulting an official’), human rights centre Viasna reports.

The prosecution side was represented by Dzmitry Yafimau; Yury Charnyshkou, a police major from Drahichyn police department, was the injured party in the case.

According to the prosecution’s version, on 14 August 2020. at approximately 2:26 pm, the defendant, who allegedly had an intention to publicly insult an officer performing his official duties left the following words under the photo of Yury Charnyshkou on social network Odnoklassniki: “I feel pity for his mother as she gave birth to such creep.” The comment contained a negative assessment, the public prosecutor said with reference to a language expert.

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Dzyamidchyk pleaded guilty. She admits her writing an insultive comment after she saw information on Odnoklassniki about Yury Charnyshkou who had beat a girl and then handed her over to the riot police amid post-election protests. A total of 97 comments appeared under the post with the image of Charnyshkou; the policeman is set to find all commentators and bring them to justice. He filed a complaint with the Belarusian Investigative Committee.

Charnyshkou claims that he and his family were threatened on the back of that publication on the social media. The hearing of Tatsyana Dzyamidchyk’s case is the fifth trial in which Yury Charnyshkou has appeared as a victim. On Tuesday, judge Alena Nyamkova sentenced the woman to 1.5 years of restriction of liberty without being sent to a correctional facility. In addition, Dzyamidchyk will have to pay off 1,500 Belarusian rubles of ‘emotional distress’ damages to major Charnyshkou.

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