Actions of solidarity with Belarus held all over the world

On August 29, Belarusian diasporas held actions of solidarity with the protesters in Belarus. They took place in different cities.

The Belarusian diaspora in Moscow came out for a “walk” to support the Belarusian Association of Journalists and all Belarusian civil communities, which are now under threat of liquidation.

The action on August 29, 2021 in Moscow. Photo: Belsat readers

In Ukraine, they remembered that Alyaksandr Lukashenka would soon celebrate his birthday.

The Action “Wish “the best” to Lukashenka” took place near the Belarusian embassy in Kyiv.

The action was held in Kyiv on August 29, 2021. Photo: Belsat readers.

A similar action was arranged in Lviv.

Action on August 29, 2021 in Lviv. Photo by: Belsat readers

Another Sunday action was held in the Polish capital, Warsaw.

Action on August 29, 2021 in Warsaw. Photo: Belsat readers

Belarusians from Gdansk held their weekly action of solidarity in the center of the Old Town. Yesterday, they were joined by Uladzimir Astapenka, a member of the People’s Crisis Management, former Belarusian ambassador to Argentina.

Action on August 29, 2021 in Gdansk. Photo: Belsat readers
