Belarus sharply reduces oil transit duties

Just a month ago, they asked for 1.7 times more oil transit. Why it will be less now, it was not explained.

Druzhba pipeline. Source: SzederLaci / Wikimedia

On December 29, the Council of Ministers of Belarus published a resolution on changes in the rates of export duties on oil and oil products. A month ago, a similar decision was published. The duties were gradually raised.

On June 1, the duties began to increase, but now they have been rolled back to the figures below those in the spring. Thus, the transit of 1 ton of crude oil, fuel oil, petroleum bitumen, vaseline and paraffin, and waste petroleum products in the spring cost $ 54.9, in December – $ 77.5, and from January 1, 2022, it will cost $ 46.7.

The transit of a ton of plain gasoline now costs $42.6, and it will be $25.6 already at the beginning of 2022. Duties on commercial gasoline, diesel fuel, light and medium distillates, benzene, toluene and xylene, and lubricating oils will be reduced from $23.2 to $14.

The government didn’t explain why it was done. But the decision was made public after Alyaksandr Lukashenka flew to meet with Vladimir Putin. And in early December, Belorusneft canceled its plans to export to Germany in 2022 via the Druzhba oil pipeline following new EU sanctions.

Meanwhile, Alyaksandr Lukashenka threatened to cut off Russian gas transit to the European Union.
