Polish court upholds conviction of deserter Emil Czeczko

The soldier, who had escaped to Belarus, was and still is sentenced to six months of restricted freedom and a year’s prohibition to come within 50 meters of his mother. The court also ordered Czeczko to stop abusing alcohol.

Soldier Emil Czeczko. Screenshot from video: pridybaylo / Telegram

The Olsztyn District Court has heard and dismissed the appeal in Emil Czeczko’s case for his mother’s abuse, writes Polska Agencja Prasowa. The verdict is final. An arrest warrant was issued for Czeczko, who on December 16 left his military unit and fled to Belarus.

The trial was held behind closed doors to protect his mother’s private interests. Czeczko is known to have abused alcohol, beat his mother, threatened to kill her, insulted and humiliated her, yelled at her, forced her to buy him cigarettes and alcohol, which “took the form of mental and physical abuse of the mother.” He did not allow his mother to be in the same room with him. The mother was forced to stay in the kitchen.

The latest incident occurred on May 7, 2021. At that time, according to the judge, Czeczko punched his mother several times in the face and the back of the head with an open palm, squeezed her neck with his hands, then punched her in the face with his fist and head. The woman suffered bodily injuries that “caused a deterioration in her health that lasted no more than seven days.” The police then detained the defendant.

Czeczko’s first conviction for this was back in September — before he deserted. He appealed then and returned to duty, as the sentence had not come into force. A few days before he fled to Belarus, Czeczko was stopped by the police for driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana, but even then, he was not imprisoned.

Earlier, the prosecutor’s office in Bialystok charged Czeczko in absentia under part 3 of article 339 of the Criminal Code of Poland (“Desertion”), which is punishable with imprisonment for a term of one to ten years.

