$900K found during search in Tsikhanouski’s summer house

During Wednesday’s search of Syarhei Tsikhanouski’s summer house in Homiel district, an investigative group found $ 900,000, blogger Alyaksandr Kabanau, the coordinator of Svyatlana Tikhanovskaya’s initiative group for Brest region, told belsat.eu.

A friend of Syarhei Tsikhanouski who was witnessing the search informed Kabanau that the search was conducted three times by three different investigative groups.

“Yesterday investigators visited Syarhei’s mother in Minsk (she helped Svyatlana look after the children) and and took her to Homiel district, to Syarhei’s summer house. The check began in the afternoon. They searched all the buildings on the property, seized the documents, an air rifle. They were about to go to Homel and search the mother’s flat, but for some reason, they decided to stay in and wait for their superiors,” the blogger stressed.

Then they were taken over by another group that made a re-search that yielded no result. But even after that, the investigators did not leave the summer house.

“About 1 am, the third group consisting of a a young man and a girl arrived. Together with assisting witnesses, they went into the house and found $ 900,000 in two separate places – not in in hiding, but simply in the things that had earlier been cheched by previous groups. Interestingly, the banknotes were new,” Alyaksandr Kabanau added.

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(UPD) On Thursday, the Belarusian Interior Ministry has officially confirmed the fact of the police’s uncovering the above sum of money in the house of the Tsikhanouski family.

In May, Syarhei Tsikhanouski, the author of Youtube channel Страна Для Жизни ( A Country for Life) revealed his presidential ambitions while serving a 15-day jail term for participating in unauthorised mass events.

However, the Belarusian Central Election Commission refused to register his initiative group. According to them, only a person who intends to campaign for the presidency must sign the documents.As Syarhei Tsikhanouski was in custody at that moment, all the necessary documents were signed and filed by his wife. On the back of the situation, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya managed to get her initiative group registered instead.

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya publishes open letter over events in Hrodna

On May 29, the police arrested Syarhei Tsikhanouski, head of his wife’s nomination group, and at least 15 persons during a peaceful picket in Hrodna. It should be noted that one of the women (Alena K.) who showed up at the picket attempted to stir up a conflict with Tsikhanouski, which resulted in pushing and jostling. According to the official version, one policeman fell down and had to be taken to hospital. On May 30, the Interior Ministry initiated criminal investigation into an alleged act of violence against two police officers.

Human rights activists published the names of the detained after the incident in Hrodna: Syarhei Tsikhanouski, Yauhen Raznichenka, Dzmitry Furmanau, Uladzimir Navumik, Vyarhily Ushak, Alyaksandr Aranovich, Syarhei Kalmykou, Vasily Babrouski and Artsyom Sakau. The police searched the homes of the most of the detainees; some were transferred to Minsk remand prison #1.

Since late May, dozens of persons, including members of Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s initiative group and civil activists, have been detained or prevented from taking part in pre-election pickets. Notably, a wannabe presidential candidate does not have to get permission from the authorities for holding such a picket.

People wait in line to sign for Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya in Baranavichy

