Activists protesting against battery plant construction sentenced in Brest

Alyaksandr Kabanau, Dzmitry Andrasyuk and Dzmitry Bekalyuk were tried in Brest before the weekend. Kabanau and Andrasyuk were punished with administrative arrest for participation in an unsanctioned event. Bekalyuk’s case will be heard on April 22, human rights activist Raman Kisliak told Belsat.

Dzmitry Bekalyuk, the activist, who opposes the construction of a battery plant near Brest, was detained on April 17. On April 18, police detained Alyaksandr Kabanau and Dzmitry Andrasyuk. The activist spent the weekend in a temporary detention center in Brest. Later the activists were charged with participation in an unauthorized mass event (art. 23.34 part 1 and art. 23.34 part 3 of the Administrative Code).

“Alyaksandr Kabanau and Dzmitry Andrasyuk were sentenced to 15 days of arrest. Alyaksandr Kabanau and Dzmitry Andrasyuk were taken from the courtroom to a TDF to serve their sentences. Dzmitry Bekalyuk filed a petition that he needed a lawyer, so the hearing of his case was moved to April 22nd to 15.30. The court heard the activists’ cases for about an hour in total,” Raman Kislyak, human rights activist, told Belsat.

Despite the detention of the activists, about 280 Brest residents traditionally took to the streets to “feed the pigeons” on Sunday. One of the demands, which was heard from the protesters, was to release the detained activists.
