Babruisk medics protest against state TV journalists

Recently, doctors gathered to express outrage to the film crew of the state TV channel Belarus-1, who came to shoot a story about the additional payments in COVID-19 conditions. According to the people who gathered, the story turned out to be untrue.

According to the protesters, only two station workers received the payments. People wanted to speak out about the real situation, but state television correspondents ignored them.

The journalists talked only to those who were paid the bonus.

The video of the conflict was published by the TV channel Belarus of the Brain.

On May 18th, it was reported that employees of the Babruisk emergency station wrote an appeal to the presidential administration. The doctors were hoping to get additional payments for work during the COVID-19 epidemic, but not all of them received the bonuses and not in the amounts mentioned in the Decree 131 “On material stimulation of health care workers”. Two hundred people signed up for the appeal. The medics demand an explanation of the order and amount of bonus payments.

On May 20th, a film crew of Belarus-1 arrived at the station to record an interview with two medics who had received the promised payments. However, other medics gathered in the street to protest against the filming.

