Belarus govt suspends export of certain medical goods

On March 18, the Council of Ministers imposed a temporary ban on the export of a number of medical products from Belarus, the press service of the government reports.

According to the resolution, the selected medical goods (not only those made in Belarus) are temporarily prohibited from being taken out of the country. Surgical coats, face masks, bandages, gauze, cotton wool, surgical gloves and other medical supplies and equipment are on the list.

The resolution took effect upon being signed.

No official quarantine planned for Belarus

As of Wednesday morning, 51 cases of the novel coronavirus were recorded in Belarus; five persons had already recovered. Only 9 patients have clinical signs of COVID-19; 37 patients who were tested positive but have no clinical symptoms are under medical supervision, the Belarusian Health Ministry reported on March, 18.

The situation is ‘manageable’ and no quarantine is planned, Belarusian official state. A few days ago, the ministry said that the closure of the border was unable to prevent the entry of coronavirus, as ‘7 out of 8 cases of imported coronavirus infection were found precisely among the Belarusian citizens, returning to their homeland from abroad’. As for the possibility of shutting down kindergartens and primary schools over the virus, the ministry stresses that children get sick much less often and do not die of coronavirus at all.

Tractor and some vodka: Lukashenka’s formula for combatting coronavirus
