Belarus, Norway mull over visa facilitation

In light of signing of Belarus-EU agreements on visa facilitation and readmission, Minsk and Oslo are set to draft proper documents, the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry reports.

Talks in Oslo. Photo:

Oslo has hosted another round of consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Belarus and Norway. The preliminary consultations were held in Minsk in December, 2018.

In the course of the event, Audun Halvorsen, State Secretary of Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Belarusian Deputy FM Aleh Krauchanka highlighted the intensification of Belarusian-Norwegian cooperation. The sides announced the soon-to-be start of preparing documents on mutual relaxing visa requirements.

Shortly before of the meeting, Aleh Krauchanka made a speech at the Belarusian-Norwegian business breakfast; its main topic was exporting Belarusian IT services to Norway.

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