Belarus opposition may nominate single candidate for 2020 presidential election

The Belarusian opposition is expected to announce the start of the single presidential candidate’s campaign on January, 27.

“After serious and extended discussions, the opposition managed to agree on nominating a single candidate; a nomination mechanism has been developed. The single candidate must unite all the democratic forces of the country and become the leader of the joint work for the return of Belarus to the path of democratic development,” the press service of the United Civic Party reports.

The initiative was endorsed by six political organizations (the movement For Freedom, the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party (BCD), the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), the Belarusian People’s Front (BPF), the United Civic Party (BCP), the Greens).

Yury Hubarevich (For Freedom), Pavel Sevyarynets (BCD), Volha Kavalkova (BCD), Alyaksei Yanukevich (BPF), Mikalai Kazlou (UCPB) are on the list of potential nominees. However, some political parties have not yet decided whom they could put forward as a candidate.

The opposition leaders promise that the procedure will be as open as possible, but the politicians fail to go into detail about how selecting the single candidate will look like.

The 2020 presidential election will take place in August at the latest.

Belarusian Presidential Election 2020: The Game is On
