Belarusian MP seeks to tighten laws on ‘foreign agents’

At a round table on foreign agents recently held in the Russian Federation, the Belarusian deputy asked to “share the best practices,” Vot Tak TV reports.

On December 15, a round table was held at the Federation Council on how the post-Soviet space is “used to destabilize the political system of Russia.”

At the round table, a discussion was held on tightening the laws on foreign agents. Namely, on amendments that allow individuals and organizations without a legal entity status to be recognized as foreign agents in the Russian Federation.

“Foreign Agent” graffiti on the office building of the human rights organization “Memorial” in Moscow, Russia. year 2013. Photo: Sergey Karpov / TASS / Forum

Senator Vladimir Poletayev also supported the amendments: “We draw attention to how unfounded criticism of electoral law is. We have clearly said that our citizens must know who is who before the elections.”

The bill was also approved by the senator from the Nizhny Novgorod region, Alexander Weinberg. At the same time, he noted that most of all he liked the “ideas in the attacking style.”

“Still, we talk about protection all the time. And for me the best defense is offense. We often answer in a mirror-like, asymmetrical manner. But we must get ahead of some events,” said the member of the Federation Council. “The softer we are, the more they will want to bend us. And I am against this. And I have to make excuses to all these … pseudo-liberal [people]. ”

The amendments are so good that they need to be adapted in Belarus, said Andrei Savinykh, chairman of the standing committee of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. He asked Russian senators to “share the best practices”:

“The immediate task that we will face is the adoption of a law on foreign agents. It would be great if we started based on your experience. Because the social and political situation in our countries is similar. ”

Vot Tak TV

