Belarusian who committed self-immolation act passes away in Minsk

Syarhei Radchenya (36) died in the emergency care hospital in Minsk, the press service of the Health Ministry reports. A week ago, the man set himself on fire in the town of Smalyavichy.

Radchenya doused himself with gasoline in front of the local police station. Witnesses told Belsat that it was an act of self-immolation in protest against recent police abuse and brutality in Belarus.

In turn, the Belarusian Interior Ministry said that the 36-year-old man had been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for alcohol abuse. He also spoke about possible suicide.

Syarhei Radchenya got burns on 84% of his body surface, including the respiratory tract. According to doctors, his condition was critical.

The resident of Smalyavichy was taken to the intensive care unit at the hospital’s burn centre, where he passed away on the night of September, 25.

Each protester will be detected and punished – Prosecutor General
