Belarusians dip in ice-cold water to celebrate Epiphany

Bathing places were set up in Minsk in the Kamsamolskaye Lake. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat

This day is described in biblical history as the Day of Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan by John the Baptist.

However, bathing in the winter ice-hole is a modern tradition and has nothing to do with church canons.

Minsk authorities have equipped three sites for baptismal bathing. One can go deep into the water from the evening of January 18 to January 20.

Photo correspondents of Belsat observed people going for a swim in the area of Kamsamolskaye Lake.

Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat
Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat
Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat
Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat
Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat
Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat
Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat
Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat
Bathing holes were equipped for baptismal bathing in Kamsamolskaye Lake in Minsk. January 18, 2021. Photo: AV / Belsat

How to take a dip and not get sick?

Medics, who were on duty on the shore with lifeguards, explained to the curious the rules of bathing without unfortunate consequences for health:
  • Of course, you can not drink alcohol: it puts a strain on the heart;
  • It is best to start hardening a few weeks before the Epiphany: at least take a contrast shower;
  • Immediately before bathing it is recommended to warm up or jog to prepare the body;
  • To avoid hypothermia, it is better to limit yourself to 10 seconds in the water;
  • About an hour before bathing it is a good idea to eat, and afterwards drink hot tea.
Photo: Belsat
