Belarusians face fines for evading self-isolation and medical checks

The prosecutor’s office in Minsk has unveiled punitive measures Belarusians evading self-isolation could face, Minsk-Novosti reports.

First Deputy Prosecutor of Minsk Alyaksandr Karpovich notes that the infection, caused by COVID-19, is included in the list of diseases which are dangerous to public health. Also on March 25, the Council of Ministers of Belarus decided on measures to prevent the entry and spread of the infection. In particular, it provides for a two-week home self-isolation for those who arrived in Belarus from countries with unfavorable epidemiological situation.

In this connection, people who have reason to believe that they have been infected with coronavirus, but evade the mandatory medical examination, may be forcibly examined by the state health organizations.

Avoidance of compulsory medical examination is a failure to appear within three days without a valid excuse to the public health organization after receiving an official notice of summons or refusal of examination. In this case, after the decision of the procurator’s office, the person will be taken for examination by the police.

People with dangerous illnesses may be forcibly hospitalized in case of evasion of treatment on the basis of a court decision.

The representative of the Procurator’s Office noted that participation in sanitary-epidemic activities and compliance with instructions of bodies and institutions that carry out state sanitary supervision is an obligation in Belarus. Therefore, under Article 16.8 of the Code of Administrative Offences, violation of sanitary norms and rules and hygienic standards is punishable by a fine of up to 30 basic units (810 BYN), for individual entrepreneurs — up to 200 units (5,400 BYN), and for a legal entity — up to 500 units (13,500 BYN).

There is no criminal liability for spreading coronavirus in Belarus.
