Belarusians made coronavirus self-isolation map

More than 300 people have already marked themselves on the map.

Two friends – designer Siarhey Pekhtsiarau and programmer Anton Turko – have created the self-isolation map called StayHome. It shows the number of those who did not go to the office, but stayed home to work. spoke to one of the map’s creators.

Anton and Siarhey together created more than one project. With, they took part in Social Weekend.

“It’s a time when you should stay home if possible. I want to support those who are in self-isolation so that they know that they are not alone. And I also want to attract the attention of those people who could have taken such a step, but have not yet decided. We conducted a survey in the local public chat, which showed that about 15% of people do not take the situation seriously at all,” said Siarhey.

Any Telegram user can add him/herself to the map. In it, you need to run a telegram bot, send the location or enter the GPS coordinates. You can delete your data from the map with the “delete” command.

#StayHome logo

Registered users are displayed on the map as their own Telegram avatar. You cannot see their name for privacy reasons. Over 300 people have registered on the map at the time of publication. Most of those who stayed at home are from Minsk. But the service is completely new, it is clear that not everyone knows about it. Siarhey says that it took only one day to create the map. On Monday, the map was launched. The bugs that users notice have to be corrected on the fly.

Minsk on the StayHome map

Siarhey Pekhtsiarau and his wife have been at home on self-isolation for 10 days now. His decision was influenced by the presence of relatives from the risk group, as well as the understanding that this can slow down the spread of coronavirus and minimize the burden on medical facilities.

“During all 10 days of self-isolation, I went out once to the post office and to the store to buy cat food and fresh vegetables. Nothing has changed in the work process, except for the workplace itself. I went out to the balcony to get some air and air the room. Now I spend the time used to get to the office on cooking food. Sometimes I order food to support the institutions I visited and to diversify the diet. It’s better to order two meals at once — it’s more economical,” Siarhey makes the first conclusions of his self-isolation.

Siarhey Pekhtsiarau has been self-isolating at home for 10 days

The map of self-isolation is not the first joint project of Siarhey and Anton. Together, the guys re developing a project on air purity —

Volha Vasilyeva/
