Belarusians rated high in technology and data science

The education platform Coursera has published the Global Skill Index where Belarusians are at a very high position.

What is the Global Skill Index?

This index brings together the skills of platform students from different countries, industries and training areas, assessing which skills are currently in the trend and identifying roles that will influence future work.

Platform specialists evaluated 60 countries, 10 industries and 11 areas of training to understand who has critical skills covering business, data science and technology. This rating provides an opportunity to assess the skills of employees around the world.

Positions of Belarusians

Belarus employs the world’s second most qualified specialists in technology and IT. Russia, by the way, is on the 1st place.

Global Skills Index, Technologies. Photo:

Belarusian specialists have good skills, too, according to the data. They are on the 8th place in the world. Russia is on the 1st place again.

Global Skills Index, Data Science. Photo:

Positions in business are not so great — we are only on 32nd place. Here the Swiss are the champions.

Global Skills Index, Business. Photo:
