Belavia may launch low-cost flights from regional airports

Belavia is considering the launch of low-cost flights from regional airports, Director of the Department of Aviation of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus Artsiom Sikorski said on the air of STV channel.

According to the official, Belavia has the necessary aircraft for “low-cost” flights. And regional airports can provide low fare rates for their services. The geography of possible flights is currently being thought over.

As for the agreement with the Hungarian low-cost company Wizz Air, it can perform flights both to the National Airport in Minsk and regional airports.

Mr Sikorski noted that low-cost air companies usually ask for subsidies to ensure low prices of tickets. But Belarus, he said, can only offer them “comfortable conditions”.

Also, the Department of Aviation is working out the possibility of organizing transatlantic flights through Minsk.

“We’re working with airlines of China, India and the Middle East to organize flights with intermediate landing at the National Airport in Minsk, and then fly to the U.S., Canada and South America,” said Sikorski.

The issue of purchasing the appropriate aircraft is also under consideration.
