BelNPP checked for nuclear fuel delivery readiness

Gosatomnadzor has begun a targeted inspection of the Belarusian NPP for readiness to import nuclear fuel, the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry for Emergency Situations (Gosatomnadzor) reports.

A special group of experts from Gosatomnadzor is preparing a package of measures. During inspections, specialists will review the compliance of technical solutions with the requirements of regulatory acts. The working group will determine to what extent the NPP is prepared for nuclear and radiation safety and whether the power plant is ready for nuclear fuel handling. The inspection may take up to 30 days.

The first unit of BelNPP is scheduled to be commissioned in 2020, while the second one is planned for 2021.

The Belarusian NPP is being built according to the Russian project near Astravets. This has caused criticism from the leadership of the Baltic States. Lithuania is the main critic of BelNPP. The Lithuanian authorities insist that the facility is being built with violations of safety requirements. Minsk refutes these accusations.
