BelNPP to launch next year

The first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Astravets is almost ready for commissioning. It will be fully put into commercial operation in the first quarter of 2021, said Energy Minister Viktar Karankevich in an interview with

Earlier, the Ministry of Energy reported that the work on the first unit was 98% completed. At the second power unit, 72% of construction and installation works have been completed. And now there is a preparation for installation work on the second power unit.

The physical commissioning of Unit 1 is scheduled for August this year. And industrial operation will start next year.

“It is planned to put it into full commercial operation in the first quarter of 2021,” said Energy Minister Karankevich.

The neighboring Lithuania actively opposes the launch of BelNPP, as the plant is very close to its capital Vilnius.
