Blogger Syarhei Tsikhanouski put into solitary confinement for longer

Сяргей Ціханоўскі на пікеце ў Магілёве. Фота: Белсат

The blogger’s lawyer told why his stay in the solitary cell was extended.

According to his lawyer Viktar Matskevich, the reason for the punishment was a cobweb found under the ceiling in the blogger’s cell.

Syarhei Tsikhanouski at a picket in Mahiliou. Photo: Belsat.

As of June 22, Tsikhanouski has been in the disciplinary cell for 10 days. Two penalties of 7 days each were applied to him. The first one was for violation of the regime, the second one — for bad cleaning.

The lawyer said that Syarhei was hanging in there, but complained about the conditions of detention.

“There is no drinking water in the cell, only from the tap and not very clean. The cell is a small room, without a window, it has no ventilation, bright light is on all day long, the room is wet — there is a pipe leak, the concrete floor is almost constantly wet. Normally there is nothing to sit on, and the bed is available only from 22.00 to 6.00. So Syarhei stands a lot or makes small steps in the cell. However, his leg hurts, which he damaged before the arrest. Therefore, it’s difficult for him to stand or walk,” said the lawyer.

Syarhei Tsikhanouski filed a complaint about his detention in the disciplinary cell to the court of Maskouski district, the city prosecutor’s office and the Department of Corrections in Minsk and Minsk voblast. The blogger’s lawyer filed a complaint to the head of the detention center on the conditions of detention, and asked the prosecutor’s office to consider all the complaints.

  • Syarhei Tsikhanouski was detained in Hrodna on 29 May. Now he is accused of organizing mass riots, as well as obstructing the work of the CEC.
  • The blogger was placed in a disciplinary cell until June 26.
