CEC Chairperson: Elections in Belarus valid

Talking on the air of TV channel Belarus 1, the Chair of the Belarusian Central Election Commission Lidziya Yarmoshyna said that the presidential elections had already taken place.

As of 12:00 on August 9th. 54% of the voters cast their ballot in Belarus.

According to Yarmoshyna, the turnout threshold of 50% was passed in all regions except Minsk. More than 60% of the voters came to the polling stations in Homiel and Mahiliou regions.

Earlier the CEC published a report on the number of voters who voted early. On 4-8 August, 41.7% of the eligible voters voted, they said.

The top election official also said that the precinct commissions might set a checkpoint at the entrance to the polling stations which are to close at 8 pm. It means that those standing in lines to vote may not have time to enter the polling stations.

Polling station in Minsk rehearses vote counting with known figures

