CEC head says 2020 election may be held without international observers

The 2020 presidential election may be held in special conditions, BelTA reports the statement of Lidziya Yarmoshyna, Chair of the Central Election Commission.

The head of the CEC notes that due to the coronavirus pandemic, this election campaign “will be very different from the presidential election campaigns, held earlier”.

Thus, the collectors of signatures will be obliged to implement the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, all of them should be provided with personal protective gear.

Meetings of regional, district and city executive committees considering election-related issues will be held without observers, representatives of parties and public associations. But the executive bodies should stream such meetings on their Internet pages.

Observers will also be obliged to implement the recommendations of the Ministry of Health on social distancing and provision of protection gear. At the same time, the CEC Chair said she did not know yet whether international observers would come to Belarus.

The presidential election is to be held on August 9th, 2020. The corresponding decision was taken on May 8th, 2020.

