CEC limits number of observers at polling stations

During the CEC session on July 22, its chair, Lidziya Yarmoshyna, proposed to reduce the number of observers at the stations. She referred to the difficult epidemiological situation in the country. The CEC supported this decision, TUT.by reports.

Lidziya Yarmoshyna reminded that despite the fact that the situation with the coronavirus is improving, it still causes concern.

“I understand that it will be an unpopular decision, but I suggest reducing the number of observers for the period of this election campaign to five people on the main voting day. And up to three on early voting days,” she said.

According to Yarmoshyna, such a decision should be approved for the sake of physical health and peace of mind of the election commission members.

The decision to reduce the number of observers was taken almost unanimously.

Earlier, presidential candidate Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya urged people to get “a record number of observers” to record the real results of the vote. The participation in observation campaigns was one of the basic principles of uniting the headquarters of Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Viktar Babaryka and Valery Tsapkala

