COVID-19 case in Putin’s administration – Kremlin

One person from presidential administration contracted coronavirus, kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

“I know about one case <…> The presidential administration is taking all necessary sanitary and epidemiological measures to halt the virus’s further spread,” state-run news agency TASS quotes Vladimir Putin’s spokesman.

The infected person ‘did not contact with the president’, he stressed.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases totalled to 1,000, the Russian authorities reported on March, 27.

During Wednesday’s address to the nation, the Russian leader announced the postponing of the constitutional vote due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

In the course of the would-be national vote, the citizens of Russia are expected to define their position on on the amendments to the Russian Constitution initiated by Putin in January and adopted by lawmakers in March. One of the amendments is about the permissible number of terms, during which the same person may hold the post of the President of the Russian Federation.

Putin wants new Constitution to have marriage as union of man and woman and mention God
