Criminal charge brought against Pavel Sevyarynets jailed since early June

Opposition politician Pavel Sevyarynets will not be released on Friday, his wife Volha told Radio Svaboda on August, 20.

According to the woman, the Investigative Committee informed her of initiating a criminal case against Pavel Sevyarynets under Article 108 of the Criminal Procedure Code. “He has been detained for 72 hours and now he is in the detention centre in Akrestsin Street,” they said.

A defense lawyer told Volha that like many other political prisoners, her husband was suspected under Article 293 of the Criminal Code (organising mass riots). She was going to welcome him home on August, 21 after his spending over 70 days in prison.

Pavel Sevyarynets has been behind bars since June, 7. Since that day he’s had several more administrative arrests. During the trial on 18 June, he said that the day after his arrest he was thrown into a disciplinary cell: he can only lie down from 10 p.m. to 6 p.m., the room is 2 by 3 metres, and it is very cold.

Minsk: Jailed politician cuts wrist in protest against torture

“They took toothpaste and a toothbrush away. There’s no water at all, it’s off. [So] I had to cut my veins in protest. It’s never been like this here,” he said.

International human rights organisation Amnesty International launched a call to send letters to Prosecutor General of Belarus Alyaksandr Kanyuk demanding to immediately release Pavel Sevyarynets.

Arrested and beaten member of Viktar Babaryka’s election team facing criminal case
