Delivery of Polish oil to Belarus technically possible, Gomelneft Druzhba claims

Oil delivery from Gdansk through the Druzhba pipeline is technically possible in the reverse mode, Chief Engineer of Gomeltransneft Druzhba Andrey Vyaryha told journalists on January 15.

Andrei reminded about the “dirty” oil, which hit Belarus in April and was pushed backwards from Poland through the same “pipes,” which helped to avoid a number of problems.

“Another thing is that Poland today has no technical possibility to pump oil to and from itself at the same time, but it can do it with stops. Let’s say we pump for a week into Mazyr, and three weeks out of Mazyr. That is, technically, it is a feasible task, if Poland meets the requirements. We are discussing it. The country should have stable options for alternative supplies from all possible directions,” Vyaryha was quoted by

The day before that, the Russian media reported, citing the press service of the Polish operator Druzhba, that the pipeline infrastructure would not allow transporting oil from Poland to Belarus, while maintaining supplies to its refineries.

On December 24, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said in an interview to Echo of Moscow that Minsk, if it does not agree with Moscow on oil supplies, will seek alternative ways of oil supply, including the reverse supplies of Saudi or American oil through Gdansk.
