Eight children still in hospital after mass poisoning in Minsk school

Eight children remain in the children’s infectious diseases hospital in Minsk. They were hospitalized on November 20 from secondary school No. 61, the Ministry of Health said.

No new schoolchildren have been hospitalized in the last few days. On November 22, 3 children are prepared for discharge. Doctors of the Minsk City Hygiene Center are investigating the source of possible infection. A special commission has been created to find out the reasons for the incident.

Sample photo: Belsat

In total, according to updated data, on November 20, 174 students of secondary school No. 61 turned to mecial assistance. Parents of pupils reported that many children have symptoms of poisoning, vomiting. The Minsk City Executive Committee confirmed that children were poisoned at the school. Ambulance teams were called to the scene. Some of the children were hospitalized.

Mainly pupils of 5-9 grades were affected.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 1 of Art. 336 (violation of sanitary and epidemiological, hygienic requirements and procedures, or sanitary norms and rules, hygienic standards, resulting in the inadvertent poisoning of people) of the Criminal Code of Belarus.

