Election teams of Babaryka, Tsapkala and Tsikhanouskaya unite

A joint statement from election teams of Viktar Babaryka, Valer Tsapkala and Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya has been made public.

A meeting of the representatives of the three pre-election headquarters was held on July 16.

“We are uniting our efforts!” said the statement.

The election headquarters have become united on the basis of 5 basic principles:

  • they will call on voters to come to the polling stations on August 9, 2020 and vote; ⠀
  • they demand release of political prisoners, economic prisoners and review of their cases by independent courts; ⠀
  • they demand a re-run of fair elections after 9 August; – informing voters about the need to “protect their vote in various ways”; ⠀
  • they call for participation in initiatives for fair elections: “Honest People”, “Right of Choice”, “Rukh Prauda”, etc., to become observers.

“We keep working – join the majority! Follow the principles of the campaign, tell your friends about them, convince those who still have doubts. Together, we will win!”

On 14 July, the CEC refused to register Viktar Babaryka and Valery Tsapkala as candidates for presidency. Svyatlana Tsikhanovskaya was registered.

