EPAM, Wargaming present 700K masks to Belarusian medics

Рэспіратары FFP3 складана дастаць, таму што яны вельмі запатрабаваныя. Адной маскай можна карыстацца тыдзень. Фота: Таня Капітонава / Belsat.eu

On Monday, representatives of EPAM and Wargaming companies have handed over 700,000 high-level protection masks to the Belarusian Health Ministry.

According to the ministry’s previous reports, there is an increased demand for personal protective equipment among health workers amid the outbreak of COVID-19. In early April, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka admitted to the problem of the shortage of protective gear in Belarusian hospitals.

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In the light of this, software giant EPAM and video game corporation Wargaming purchased 700,000 FFP2 masks from the world-known manufacturer 3M and had them delivered to the warehouses of the state-run enterprise Belarusian MedTech. The World Health Organisation recommends health professionals use such protective equipment when giving patients medical treatment.

“Everyone who is now at the forefront of fighting COVID-19 will get these means,” the two companies say in a joint statement.

EPAM and Wargaming expressed gratitude to the Belarusian doctors and also thanked the media platform Imena and Melsoft Games company for their assistance in securing the supply of masks.

“All countries are now facing tough times. Carrying out such a delivery in a short time frame (within 10 days from the date of purchase) is a real deed. Protective means are now rapidly going off; they significantly bolster the safety of our doctors, nurses, paramedics, and aidmen. And I wish to thank all caring people who have strong sense of initiative,” Deputy Health Minister Barys Andrasyuk said.

As of April 20, the number of the people who contracted the coronavirus infection has totalled to 6,264 in Belarus, 51 patients have died.

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