‘Epidemiological situation’. OSCE PA observers not to attend presidential election in Belarus

Andrey Savinykh. Photo: http://house.gov.by/

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will not send observers to the upcoming presidential election in Belarus, Andrey Savinykh, Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives, said on Tuesday.

According to him, Belarusian MPs were looking forward to involve their foreign counterparts in observing the presidential vote in Belarus.

“I have already discussed this topic with the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Of course, we are interested in inviting our colleagues. But the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has already said that it will not be able to send its observers. This is due to the epidemiological situation,” state-run news agency BelTA quotes Savinykh.

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At the same time, Belarus might avail of the opportunity to engage MPs from the CIS or do it ‘on a bilateral basis’. To date, Belarusian election commissions have accredited the total of 33,579 observers.

The presidential election is to take place on August, 9. This year’s campaign is gaining momentum: lots of Belarusians spent hours in queques to sign for the nomination of a person or persons who revealed their presidential ambitions. Indeed, the people’s active involvement is indicative of their fatigue with the 26-year rule of Alyaksandr Lukashenka. However, many Belarusian citizens, including presidential hopefuls, journalists and politicians, are being subjected to the unprecedented pressure from the authorities.

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