EU urges Belarus to comply with international election standards

The European Union expects the Belarusian authorities to comply with international standards for democratic elections and equal conditions for all participants, Head of the EU Delegation in Belarus Dirk Schuebel said in a statement, Interfax reports.

Mr Schuebel said that the EU will monitor the election campaign in our country as much as possible under the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic.

“As before, we urge the Belarusian authorities to implement the WHO recommendations to prevent and slow down the spread of the virus. At the same time, the EU expects Belarus to ensure compliance with international standards for democratic elections, putting all participants on an equal footing,” said Dirk Schuebel.

The next presidential election in Belarus will be held on August 9th, 2020.

Earlier, entrepreneur Mikalai Artsyukhou, politician Andrei Dzmitryieu, former head of HTP Valer Tsapkala, Mikalai Statkevich, blogger Siarhey Tsikhanouski, as well as Aleh Haidukevich and Alyaksandr Lukashenka unveiled their presidential ambitions.
