Excess radiation level recorded in Moscow

A sensor of the Russian state enterprise Radon, which specializes in handling radioactive waste, has recorded a 60-fold excess of the radiation background at the construction site of the South-East Chord (multi-lane expressway) in Moscow, the Russian service of Radio Liberty reports.

The sensor recorded 18 microsieverts per hour at a maximum permissible radiation level of 0.3 microsieverts.

Residents of the Moskvorechye-Saburovo district report that this is the seventh time in three days, but neither Radon nor the MES have taken any action, claiming that the sensor works in test mode and there are no actual spikes in radiation.

Earlier, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin acknowledged the presence of radioactive waste on the South-Eastern Chord route. The mayor`s office said that “in the case of the construction of the chord, the city faced a unique and exceptional problem — radioactive waste, which the Moscow Polymetal Plant stored in its backyard in the 1950s and 1960s”. At the same time, the City Hall called the discovered traces of radioactive contamination “insignificant”.

Last year, the Moscow Mayor’s Office was warned by the Russian branch of Greenpeace about the threat of radiation during the construction of the South-East Chord. Environmentalists said that during the works, contaminated soil could get on the surface, and radioactive dust could be spread over considerable distances. This will cause significant harm to the health of Muscovites — in particular, it will dramatically increase the risk of cancer.

